Welcome To My Little Corner!

My name is Monique, and for most of my life i've been calling myself a writer. I've written a lot of things for a lot of companies, individuals and publications but i've never really written anything for myself (mostly because of fear. Fear of a lot of things that I honestly don't have the time to unpack right now haha). That's what this site will be. My little corner of the internet where i'll be writing for myself (while at the same time showing clients what I can do).

A wise friend recently told me that you can differentiate activities in to two categories, either consumption or creation. Consumption being things like watching TV, listening to music, reading a book, eating, drinking, surfing the web, etc. while creation is drawing, writing, knitting, cooking, or working on anything. In my case, almost all my activities fall under consumption -this is why I am able to develop my tastes but not know what to do with it. It balances one out if there's a harmony in the amount of creation and consumption that you do, and that harmony is unique to every person.

So here I am trying to create something and not put too much pressure in being good at blogging (because God knows i've put off starting a blog for almost a decade now) and seeing if it's a medium wherein I can be consistent in creating. Because the activities that really resound in us are the ones that engage us deeply rather than something we're good at right away. Hopefully if anyone else ever stumbles on this  little corner of the interwebs, these words can inspire more positive creation and self motivation. <3


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